Church Yard Sale
Venue: CFBC Lawn
Please, bring all donations to CFBC by June 7th.
All proceeds will support the Zambia Africa Mission Trip in July.

Jamaican BBQ for Missions
Support the Zambia Mission Trip by purchasing a plate of Jamaican Jerk Chicken for $10. Buying a ticket early is recommended. Fill out the contact form for more information.

Ladies Dinner
CFBC's Women's Ministry will be holding it's monthly ladies dinner Tuesday, Oct. 11 at Baumhower's on Balmoral Dr. All ladies are welcome to attend!

Community Picnic @ Kent Robertson Park
Following Church In The Park - we will be having a Community Picnic at Kent Robertson Park on Logan Drive. There will be free food, games, popcorn, and inflatables for the kids. This is a family friendly event and everyone is welcome to come! Bring a lawn chair and enjoy the day with our community.

Church In The Park
Join us for Church in the Park on October 9th. CFBC will be holding it's Sunday morning service at 11:00 a.m. at Kent Robertson Park located on Logan Drive. Bring your lawn chairs and sunglasses and enjoy a time of worship and fellowship with our community. Everyone is invited to attend.
*There will not be any 9:45 am Sunday School or Children's Church on Oct. 9th.

Men's Breakfast & Workday
Men, you're invited to gather with other men in our church and community for breakfast Saturday @ 7:30 a.m. at Blue Plate on South Memorial Parkway.
Following breakfast, we will be having a Work Day at the church till noon.

LFBI Begins!
Living Faith Bible Institute Classes begin August 20. Register online at lfbi.org for class selections and more information.

Join us for the 4th Annual Eggapalooza on April 4th at Community Fellowship Baptist Church! We are planning a great afternoon for our community and friends. We'll have an Egg Hunt for ages infant-12 with over 5,000 eggs, free food, inflatables, games, prizes (for both kids AND adults) and of course lots and lots of CANDY! Registration begins @ noon. Event is from 1-3 p.m. Make plans to attend!

Celebrate Recovery Big Night
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-Centered Recovery program based on the Beatitudes.
- 6:30-7:30 - Large group worship, lessons, testimonies
- 7:30-8:30 - Small groups for men & women separately
- 8:30-9:00 - Crosstalk Cafe – fellowship and refreshments*
Crosstalk Café is open for anyone to join following small group or Newcomers 101. Childcare is NOT provided - Church membership is NOT a requirement. Contact us for more info at (256) 886-8490 or email us at celebrate.recovery.cfbc@gmail.com

Celebrate Recovery Big Night
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-Centered Recovery program based on the Beatitudes.
- 6:30-7:30 - Large group worship, lessons, testimonies
- 7:30-8:30 - Small groups for men & women separately
- 8:30-9:00 - Crosstalk Cafe – fellowship and refreshments*
Crosstalk Café is open for anyone to join following small group or Newcomers 101. Childcare is NOT provided - Church membership is NOT a requirement. Contact us for more info at (256) 886-8490 or email us at celebrate.recovery.cfbc@gmail.com